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Polski PL


We provide technical expertise and opinions of entire buildings as well as of their selected elements.

The scope of expert works can include describing technical condition of building (or selected elements) for investigation of damage causes and determination of repairing methods.

We also perform an analysis and evaluation of project design and documentation.

For contractors/investors performing works we offer periodic condition monitoring (geodetic monitoring and monitoring of the cracking) the facilities located in the vicinity of works. This type of works is used mainly in urban centers, where construction works are carried out in the immediate neighborhood of the object.

We have specialized diagnostic equipment, which allows to perform our own tests and measurement.

We have following equipment:

  • measurements of dimensions (laser rangefinder and spirit levels, leveling);
  • moisture testing of construction materials;
  • concrete testing with Schmidt hammer (non-destructive method for determining the strength of concrete);
  • non-destructive concrete scanning to determine the applied concrete (Ferroscan);
  • scratches tip opening meter (accurate to 0,002 mm).

Technical expertise and options

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